The waiting has come to an end…MirthSlinger is live!

Greetings Mirthling! We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes getting everything ready in anticipation for today. It’s been a wild ride so far, but it’s not over yet!

Life is busy, it can be messy, and you don't always have the time to take care of one of the most important things in your life- you. Everyone encounters stress in their lives in one form or another and it's not always easy to deal with. That is why I founded MirthSlinger. I want to be able to give individuals, like you, the tools they need to fight the anxiety and stress of life so that they can lead happier and healthier lifestyles.

I want to help you to be able to overcome stress, or at least learn to manage it effectively so that you can be a happy and healthy individual. Life is far too short to spend stressing about that which we cannot change or about problems far greater than we can handle on our own.

So, how can we here at MirthSlinger help you?


We’ve put a lot of effort into bringing you a unique selection of products that we believe will help you effectively manage your stress and anxiety. We’ll also be adding new items in the coming months and so be sure to check out the MirthStore.


Knowing is half the battle. Interested in learning more about managing stress or anxiety? Check out our Health blog and brush up on your stress relief knowledge.

Have questions?

Drop us a line at our contact page or email us at We’ll be happy to hear from you!

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This will be our first step and we’re happy to take it alongside you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we look forward to this fantastic journey.